Picnic Sites & View Sites

Picnic and Braai facilities & View Sites

Lake Eland Game Reserve. Designated picnic and braai facilities are available on the game reserve, a short drive from reception. The picnic areas are ideally situated nearby a stream amongst lush old trees providing shade for those hot summer days. Benches and bins are provided.
The spectacular Oribi Gorge, about 25km inland from Port Shepstone, is one of the Hibiscus Coast’s best-known beauty spots. To appreciate the magnificent gorge, carved out of sandstone over the millennia by the Mzimkulwana River.
After a bird’s-eye view of the gorge, it’s time to take a closer look at its wealth of natural beauty by visiting the Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve. The turnoff to the main camp from the N2 is about 21 km from Port Shepstone and is sign-posted. Continue driving along the road past the main camp and you will begin to descend into the gorge itself. As well as an attractive picnic site, next to the main road where it crossed the river, there are several walking trails of between 1km and 9km in length, offering walkers a chance to explore the gorge’s magnificent grassland and forest sections. The gorge offers view sites that are easily accessible for those who want to just relax drink in the awesome scenery.

Clearwater Trail Centre, Port Edward, Phone 083-5496710
Oribi Vulture Viewing Hide, Oribi Gorge, Phone 072-8933794
Ramsgate Whale Deck, Ramsgate, Phone 073-2818280
Southbroom Whale Deck, Southbroom, Phone 039-6827944
Tweni Whale Deck, Umtentweni, Phone 039-6827944